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chunmei 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

跟小綿羊說之後 我的小英還被噱了一頓 XD
本來想說來去網拍把他低價出清 賺取購買小麥的經費
結果剛剛定睛一看XD 人家是劍橋出版
Cambridge Advanced Learner's Dictionary

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  • Dec 15 Fri 2006 21:23
  • Murmur

The test of selecting exchange students will be held after 15 days. Even though I haven't taken the test yet, the frequency that I imagine the life of being an exchange student is much more than before.>< How should I do to stop day dreaming and do something really helps to get better chance?
I know too much hope might put enormous pressure on myself, but I can't help but pretend I would get a opportunity to go abroad one year. Maybe I am too anxious. HELP! Someone come to calm me down!
If I am admitted to exchange to a ideal school, I will be so happy that burst into tears. Time after time, I've thirsted for throwing myself in a place in which nobody know me. Living in a foreign city, I will face many obstacles definitly. However, I am not afarid of solving problems, the only thing I scare is I am handstrung by my frailty and expection others put on me. Going abroad is just like tune-up, and I can try to live a different life, make some changes, and just forget anything I dislike temporarily. With relaxing mind and independence, I suppose to be more brave to deal things.

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一顆紅球跳來跳去的那個 印象蠻深刻的
剛剛發現 真的比一般活存好年利率1.5%的活存利率挺優惠的說
那個把辛苦錢擺在中國信託的可以搬出來了 XD (中信只有0.225% 冏)

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來簽個到 看到底有多少人在看這個BLOG
"可能會有小獎品" XD

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出席人員:我 小粥 育妊 孟綸 尉婷 宜蓁 純蓉

打工的時候接到育妊的電話 抓我晚上去淡水玩

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My youngest uncle, who has hot temper, is helping my sister to srtrive for Rehabiliting in the same hospital rather than moving from this one to another(with some private relationships). I'm really appreciating his affort to help my family, however, his irritable temperament really annoys me, even makes me feel insulted. My mother has known and got used to her young brother's bad temper though. When my uncle talks to us not politely, she will be, of course, unhappy but still ask my father and us children to accept the goodwill he supposes to.
I am frightened to have a conversation with his, even the eye contact. Although he has done lots of efforts for us, I can't persuade me to like or respect him. I think I must become more mature and more powerful to prevent my family from being hurt by his "kindess".

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In fact, I seldom see a first-run movie.
Only if I am interested in the specific, I will be willing to
see them in the second run. Few movies can encourage me to see them in a
first-run theater. The number of movies I've ever seen in the first-run theater might count with 10 fingers.

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There go many old sayings about perseverance.
If there is a will, there is a way.
Nothing is diffcult to a man who wills.
A person without a goal in life is like a boat without destination.

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嗯... 這幾天雖然考完唯一一科期中考
不過總是提不起勁來唸書 12月初要交的生態多樣性也還沒動工
是逃避 不過我不清楚究竟在逃避些什麼
是對未知的害怕 還是單純不想要陷入考試的緊張

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