目前分類:純發洩 (4)

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有時候作作夢是還蠻有趣的 享受時光錯落 不同時期朋友大雜匯的樂趣


chunmei 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

昨天大概快中午12點的時候接到了一通未顯示來電。 一開頭就問你是陳XX嗎?
老實說我沒聽清楚是不是在叫我拉, 我就想說可能是收訊不好,就說對。

chunmei 發表在 痞客邦 留言(2) 人氣()

才看沒有10張AIS的投影片 我就昏昏欲睡
明明音樂開得很大聲 還是無法驅走睡魔 不支地睡去
如果我以後不會在往上讀的話 XD 這也會是我的最後一科必修
理應用力讀 看有沒有辦法留下個美好的回憶

chunmei 發表在 痞客邦 留言(0) 人氣()

My youngest uncle, who has hot temper, is helping my sister to srtrive for Rehabiliting in the same hospital rather than moving from this one to another(with some private relationships). I'm really appreciating his affort to help my family, however, his irritable temperament really annoys me, even makes me feel insulted. My mother has known and got used to her young brother's bad temper though. When my uncle talks to us not politely, she will be, of course, unhappy but still ask my father and us children to accept the goodwill he supposes to.
I am frightened to have a conversation with his, even the eye contact. Although he has done lots of efforts for us, I can't persuade me to like or respect him. I think I must become more mature and more powerful to prevent my family from being hurt by his "kindess".

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